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Alternate Standards

The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act permits the use of electronic, computer, or other technologic aids in connection with the play of Class II games. National Indian Gaming Commission regulations at 25 C.F.R. part 547 establish minimum technical standards governing the use of such aids. Alternate technical standards from those required by part 547 may be implemented by tribes that have received approval from the NIGC Chair (25 C.F.R § 547.17(b)), provided that such alternate standards achieve a level of security and integrity sufficient to accomplish the purpose of the standards they are to replace.

Tribe Name Approved Alternate Standards Additional Information
Chickasaw Nation Chickasaw Nation Approved Alternate Technical Standards (October 7, 2022)  
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe FSST Approved Alternate Technical Standards (July 16, 2019) FSST Alternate Standard (May 16, 2019)
Agua Caliente Tribe of Cahuilla Indians ACGC Approved Alternate Technical Standards (April 24, 2018) ACGC Additional Standards (April 20, 2018)
Chickasaw Nation Chickasaw Approved Alternate Standards (September 4, 2013 Chickasaw Alternate Minimum Standard (July 19, 2013)

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